A downloadable game

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An endless score/time chasing arcade game featuring Crunky, Crinkly, Crungulian, and many more zany Crunko Pops to explore in the Crunkipedia. As you get deeper into a run, more Crunko Pops will reveal themselves to you, and you must die at their hands to unlock their Crunkipedia entry. This means you have to risk potentially good runs for a chance at learning more about Crunkoland.

Programmer/Artist/Musician - Carson Kompon
Ground Sprite - Yukon Wainczak
Turnip Boy - Snoozy Kazoo LLC

As this is a game made exclusively for the Panic Playdate, it's designed with the crank in mind, and is not recommended to play in the simulator, although you still can if you'd like :)

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
AuthorCarson K.
Made withPlaydate
TagsArcade, crank, Endless, jumping, Playdate


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Crunky-v1.1.0.pdx.zip 4 MB


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Crunky is fantastic and addictive. If you're having trouble try the timed mode instead of arcade. Found it easier to progress

Really great game that lets you waste hours of time.  I also love the inclusion of turnip boy!

I found a few bugs:

1. Turnp boys sword sometimes stays on the screen after dying. This usually happens after he starts his animation.

2. I was able to have the retry screen be stuck on the game screen and had to exit from the game to get rid of this. I'm assuming this is due to some fast input and possibly quickly dying afterwards.

crunking my prunk

If you have a PlayDate, this is essential.  IMO it's the best sideloaded game out there!


I was pleasantly surprised with how well this game handles with the crank and the game loop is pretty fun.  A crank based avoid-em-up is something I wasn't expecting but gotta say this is a solid first step!
(1 edit)

This is so good!

Tiny thing: I would *love* to get a small warning bubble when an enemy is about to appear from off screen, a la Crankin's Time Travel Adventure.

Also, just curious: did you consider making it possible to jump on the enemies? I keep feeling like I should be able to do that!

Downloaded for free. Came back to pay. This game is dope!!!

Nice game, great presentation!

Fun little game, nice amount of polish.
I do like the beastiary idea of dieing by new enemies to colect them. loads of replay in that.
i did notice a few times dieing by an enemy right under the starting point.

I was working on a similar auto jump score attack with characters from my game flea.


Crunky is just what my life needed right now.


This is sooooooo good! What a gem <3 The cute blurbs for the Crunky's, simple yet engaging gameplay, collectathon... It's great! Nothing like a good endless :) Thanks for this one!